FALIMENT – 1.000.000 Euro – Vlog imobiliar
BANKRUPTCY – 1.000.000 Euro – Real Estates Vlog
As i was announcing, today we will discuss how i lost more than 1,000,000 euro referring to the economic crisis în the financial and in real estate fields, that happened in 2009.
Remaining in diverta online and in my own revolution,
I finished working at diverta online and i went for a job at Telekom.
As in a manager position… Something like that i could say,
I was in the occupation of an agent who sells corporate for important companies.
Telekom offered me one job , actually a really good position…
That i can’t define, It was actually a good position,
But it had the same bad problem that i talked about in begging of the serieses, It had some limits connected to the program…
Connected also to the returns, And Connected to the evolution,
I was still in the same position even after 2 two years, My salary was growing every year like 5%
Something like that… I did not see any potentials coming there
Rising potentials
I mean i could have been the leader of an team, A team composed with people who sell, i couldn’t change my position.
I’m a type of a person who always like to learn more, And to evolve.
I also like to receive everything given from life, Talking personally and professionally.
I always want to receive more than i actually get, And after the collaboration with Romtelecom ended.
I already was up to into negotiations with many people , such as my childhood neighbor
And we decided to be partners , that i assumed would be with my own skills my own knowledge and my own abilities.
And for him , is to come with technical part it was about “installation design”.
We started this partnership in 2005,
The first month , we signed 10 contracts , we needed to hire a new employee, Besides my associate.
After 2-3 months we already had 4 employees hired, Because we had a lot of contracts signed and we worked really hard at the same time which made us evaluate really good from 2005 till 2006 – 2007.
And then we started thinking of differents paths of business , okay we had this design installation thing but we could have gotten to saturation with design installation
Maybe it won’t be needed anymore in the market so it would be better to always have a “plan C” just in case , so we thought about “Real estate development”
What people used to do to is to accumulate money
Attention ! at the first year of business …
The management code, for the company was “…..euro”
The first year
It was spectaculous ! , i passed from returns …. E i used to get from Romtelecom “salary + the bonuses” that got me here to a couple of good thousands maybe millions , month returns.
It was a very serious leap, And then we started looking for fields , in a neighborhood in bucharest, It wasn’t in the center, The neighborhood was somewhere in corner in bucharest,
Honestly that was our budget , couple of Millions Euro.
We didn’t have enough money for the “real estate development”
But we had big ambitions, to pass from one and to multiply with two and so on
We found this field and we started working on this project in 2007.
In 2008 , we were still working on this project and then … the economic slump started ,
We had 40 employees , in our office and between 20 – 30 workers in the yard.
All the monthly costs , were supported by our company , we did not have any other resources not even a strategic investitor.
And if it was easy to make money before the economic slump, then after the slump it was awful , the leasings were overwhelmed ,
The months rates we had were tough to support,
Because they were stocks about …. E monthly , only rates!
We were obligated to close the company…
To return the cars back to leasing , the ones that were actually on the leasing
I was left with one car, No returns were left , This was a shock for me !
I was used to a certain lifestyle… i mean 5 years is pretty much, It passed 5 years without any kind of worries
My lifestyle was with high standards , vacations , extotic and tropical distances…
And then… i realized that , life is about passing through different kinds of moments.
We’ll continue in the next episode …
Daniel Nelu
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